The New Building and the Move

Next Week is the big move. Thank you for taking a class, a lesson or visiting us at 1949 Winnebago Street, the hope is you or your children will follow us on to the new building at 312 W. Lakeside Street.  The new place is directly across from Franklin elementary and just down the way from Lakeside Coffeehouse(a great place to relax and wait for a child to finish a class-both inside and outside).

There are still some summer class openings in Graphic Novels, Plein Air(all outside) drawing and painting for elementary, Design a Skateboard deck. As well as lots of opportunities for private art lessons in the month of August.

We also have some fall offerings up but these may change depending on the school districts start and stop times-which still seem to be in flux at this time.

Thank you and hope to see you soon.