I Can't Draw a Straight Line with a Ruler?

Often times when I tell people I am an art educator, they say to me, "I can't draw a straight line with a ruler," which doesn't quite make sense.  If you have always wanted to learn to draw and have at times felt overwhelmed, self-conscious about your skills, or hesitation then this is the class for you.

Drawing 101 for Beginners

6 Week Session beginning April 20th

This drawing course is a very beginning focus on the development of observational skills and drawing techniques.  We will be doing still life, contour line drawing, and gesturing drawing.  Every session offers a different drawing media from pencil to charcoal to ink, etc.    We will work on developing both technical abilities and creative responses to material and subject matter. No prior experience with drawing is required or expected just an open mind and willingness to try. Every Thursday from 6:30pm till 8pm beginning April 20th.  Ages 12-Adult

Thursday April 20th Still life drawing with Pencil, Thursday April 28th Contour Line/Gesture drawing with Pencil, Thursday May 4th Charcoal drawing of objects, Thursday May 11th Pen & Ink Drawing, Thursday May 18th Pastel Drawing Volumes 3D, Thursday May 25th Loose your inhibitions-Draw like a Child