It's A New Year. If You Never Try You Will Never Know.

If you never try you will never know if you like it, if you are good at it, if you enjoy it, if it makes you feel great.  Bare Knuckle Arts has some great opportunities this new year with some new classes and workshops you might like.  Along with weekly watercolor, acrylic, and mosaic classes here are some of our weekend workshops to try.

Wool Needle Felted Landscapes Saturday Feb. 4th 1-4pm

Do you have landscapes embedded in your life? Mountains, water, wind, trees, sky, fields of sunflowers, rocks that embody memory, seasons, light, a perfect moment that made you feel alive?  Make that memory into a rich piece of unique art by creating it with layers of roving wool blended into a beautiful landscape and framed with an organic piece of wood. 

Come explore the medium of needle felting.  We will create a color rich landscape based on a photograph or your imagination using roving wool and a simple needle felting technique.   Creating small intimate color rich compositions we will then frame them in some old rustic wood frames created by Black Wood Works. Saturday Feb. 4th 1-4pm $65

Wrap Bracelet Workshop Friday March 10th 7pm

Wrap bracelet workshop-using a plethora of beads-learn how to create your very own wrap bracelet.  A classic hand made leather bracelet that when done with encircle your wrist with a great boho style.  Friday March 10th 7-9:30pm

$45 dollars per participant Ages 12-Adult

Altered Cigar Box Workshop Saturday March 25th 10am-12pm

Altered Cigar Box Workshop is all about taking an old box and making it your own.  Modify it, revise, revamp, rework, redo, and transform your box using all the materials in the studio. Lots of choices-lots of fun.  Saturday March 25th 10am-12pm

Ages 8-Adult $36 per participant